Hi guys ! Okay, I know the picture above isn't such of a christmas mood. It's just some random picture me and my lovely bby took while we were at USS the second time. Heeeee! Have you guys took the transformer ride yet? It's awesome. The effects and everything feels so real! Except for the "Almost real 3d" graphic animation they had in the ride. I mean it's cool too but.. wish it was real. K I'm think lil' tad bit too much LOL.
I know today's not the actual day of x'mas, but it's x'mas eve ! Feeling the Christmas mood yet? Guess that probably most of you guys didn't get the feeling of celebrating christmas.
Anyway christmas is just another day in your life ! So don't get so bothered of not getting the "Christmas mood" because it isn't really something to get bothered about.
Actually I'm thinking of video blogging, just type writing is getting so boring. Hmmmmm..........
Anyway see you guys next week because I'm gonna start blogging back ~~! Love you readers. :E